Дъх на праскови, диня, мохито , морска пяна и любов - това за мен е лятото..
The smell of peaches, watermelon , Mojito, meerschaum and love - this is summer for me ..
Варна- св.Константин и Елена. Точно преди да се разяри една от онези летни бури, които идват неочаквано, изгонват хората от плажа и си отиват сякаш нищо не се е случило. По - красиви цветове на небето и морето не съм виждала. Няма никакъв фотошоп- само усещането, че след всичко красиво, силно, наситено и въздействащо следва период, когато ти е сиво и студено...
Varna, St. Constantine and Elena.
A picture is taken just before one of those furious summer storms that come unexpectedly and go as if nothing had happened.I haven't seen more beautiful and amazing colors of the sky and the sea. There is no Photoshop, just the feeling that after all beautiful, strong and intense period , comes another when your are cold and the world is gray ...
After the storm...
5.30-6.А.М. - само аз, морето и пробуждащото се утро..
5.30-6.А.М. - just me ,the sea and the awaken world...
I’ve always been obsessed from the places.
A story.
An inspiration.
“There are places I remember all my life
Though some have changed…
All these places had their moments…
In my life I’ve loved them all.”
As “ Beatles “ sung….
There are places where we stay all our life
Places, where we were just for a moment
Places, where we crave to be
Places, which we never visit again
Places, where we’ve never been, but we know and feel
Places, which we will never forget
Places, which we are afraid of
Places, which we connect with a perfume
Places, where the time had stopped
Places, which we have dreamed about
Places, where we were lost
Places, where we want to get lost
When a travel somewhere I take something from the place I’ve been- a stone, a leaf, a flower, a mussel, sand , tickets, a map, notes, a gift …
A memory….
For a place with a story…
I take pictures and I safe the place in a frame
A shadow can excite me,
A breath,
A touch,
A look…
Places keep the stories
They still live , even if we don’t want to accept them.
They have a memory , when our is too short.
Some things shouldn’t be forgotten…
And they won’t, because the places will keep them..
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