21 July 2010
Hundreds of dead penguins washed up in Brazil
The high number of dead penguins is worrying scientists Hundreds of penguins have been washed up dead on the beaches of Brazil.
Scientists are still investigating what could have caused the death of around 500 animals found on the shores of Sao Paulo state.
They say autopsies carried out on some of the carcasses suggest they could have starved to death, as their stomachs were completely empty.
They are now trying to establish if strong currents and colder temperatures may be to blame.
Thiago do Nascimento of the Peruibe Aquarium says the cooler than usual temperatures off the coast could have driven away the fish and squid the penguins feed on.
But he did not rule out that overfishing could have decimated the penguins' food sources.
Mr Nascimento said between 100 and 150 penguins showed up on the beaches every year, but that they were normally alive, with only around 10 washed up dead in an average year.
"What worries us this year, is the absurdly high number of penguins that have appeared dead in a short period of time," he told the Associated Press news agency.
BBC News
факт е, че лятото тази година е по - особено. Не ме притеснява това, че В България практически вали всеки ден и температурите през юни бяха от 11 градуса. Не ме притеснява и това, че в Берлин е 40 градуса, а В Южна Америка има смъртни случаи поради ниските температури. Притеснява ме факта, че сме свидетели на един необратим процес, чиито последствия тепърва ще ни изненадват.
Имах един спор, че един човек сам по себе си не може да допринесе много за екологичното равновесие, а големите компании и икономики трябва да вземат мерки, макар това да е в ущърб на бизнеса, т.е. не чакай скоро. Един човек може и да не може, но масата има огромен потенциал.
Тази година разбрах , че израза " open minded " може да се интерпретира по много различни начини.
В този случай - аз - апелирам за отворено съзнание , за поглед в бъдещето, за отговорност за нашите собствени действия и по - голяма ангажираност в глобален аспект. Защото не е нужно да чакаме "мъртвите пингвини " да се появят и по нашите брегове....
Is a matter of fact that the summer this year is strange. It doesn't bother me that, that in Bulgaria is raining every day and the temperatures in June were from 11 degrees. It doesn't bother me too, that in Berlin is 40 degrees, and in South America there are deaths due to low temperatures. I'm concerned that we are witnessing an irreversible process, which consequences are yet to surprise us.
I had an argument, that a single man can not greatly contribute to the ecological balance, and the big companies and economies must do that.
One person maybe cannot do that alone, but the mass has an enormous potential.
This year I realized that the term "open minded" can be interpreted in many different ways.
In this case - I use this expression with a purpose to appeal for more responsibility for our own actions and for a bigger involvement in a global aspect.
Because we shouldn't wait for this,the dead penguins to appear on our shorts...
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