Perfumery and enhancing the fragrance of aromatherapy and natural skin/hair care formulations.Because of its relaxing properties, vanilla scents are commonly used in bath products and candles to help promote restful sleep.
Aphrodisiacal Effects
According to "Chemistry of Spices," vanilla has been considered an aphrodisiac since the time of the Aztecs. In 1762, a study in Germany found that a medication containing vanilla cured male impotence. A study by the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation found that vanilla, as well as other odors such as lavender, pumpkin pie and black licorice, produced an increase in penile blood flow in male volunteers. Vanilla was especially effective in older men.
Respiratory Effects
Тhe smell of vanilla eased breathing problems and sleep apnea in premature infants. 15 drops of a vanillin solution to the pillows of 15 premature infants for three consecutive days showes that episodes of sleep apnea decreased by 36 percent on the first day the babies were exposed to the vanilla scent. The scientists hypothesized that the vanilla helped the infants in two ways: by directly affecting the respiratory centers in the brain, and by helping the infants adapt to stress.
Only few people are aware that vanilla is also another powerful natural antioxidant.
Vanilla essential oil therefore introduces natural antioxidants into your body that will neutralize activity of free radicals and totally eliminate them.
Blends well with: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Sandalwood, Tangerine, and Vetiver.
Само за външна употреба.Не се нанася директно върху кожата.
За стимулиране и успокоение:
10 к-ки Масло от портокал
4 к-ки масло от хвойна
3 к-ки масло от розмарин
3 к-ки ванилия разтворени в масло от жожоба drops
Смесват се в дифузер или ароматна лампа.
Няколко капки ванилия във ваната са отлично антидепресивно и релаксиращо средство.
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