Sunday, November 7, 2010

White cala

The white cala - the flower that symbolize the marriage, the purity,the magnificent beauty and the innocence.
For me that flower is connected with suffering, pain, helplessness, cold and loneliness. With the cruel, uncompromising , one and only dead ; but and the same time with the rebirth and the new possibility, with the phenomenon a " second chance". It's a reminder that I'm mortal, but still alive.
I 'm grateful for this chance the history and the path of my life to remain in being, for this , that my spirit was exposed and pushed to the utmost and because of that now I'm so sensitive to the dirtiness an to the low spirits.
I exist and that it's awesome.
I have my road, my up and downs, my struggle, which sometimes takes the edge of my strenghts, but I still exist, namely because of this struggle and every time, after every blow, every moment of weakness I'm getting more stronger and maybe, maybe more wiser.

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