There is a history behind that picture and that's why it is special for me, but I don't understand why there are so many picture's views, what is so attractive here ...number 13?
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Lucky 13
There is a history behind that picture and that's why it is special for me, but I don't understand why there are so many picture's views, what is so attractive here ...number 13?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Bald eagle.

The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is a bird of prey found in North America. It is the national bird and symbol of the United States of America.Bald eagles are not actually bald, the name deriving from the older meaning of the word, "white headed".
The Bald Eagle is extremely sensitive to human activity, and is found most commonly in areas free of human disturbance. Prefers habitats near seacoasts, rivers, large lakes, oceans, and other large bodies of open water with an abundance of fish.
The Bald Eagle is a powerful flier, and soars on thermal convection currents. It reaches speeds of 56–70 kilometers per hour (35–43 mph) when gliding and flapping, and about 48 kilometers per hour (30 mph) while carrying fish.[24] Its dive speed is between 120–160 kilometers per hour (75–99 mph), though it seldom dives vertically.
The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States of America. It appears on most of its official seals, including the Seal of the President of the United States.The Continental Congress adopted the current design for the Great Seal of the United States including a Bald Eagle grasping thirteen arrows and a thirteen-leaf olive branch with its talons on June 20, 1782. The founders of the United States were fond of comparing their new republic with the Roman Republic, in which eagle imagery was prominent.
Seal of the President of the United States.The Bald Eagle can be found on both national seals and on the back of several coins (including the quarter dollar coin until 1999), with its head oriented towards the olive branch. Between 1916 and 1945, the Presidential Flag showed an eagle facing to its left (the viewer's right), which gave rise to the urban legend that the seal is changed to have the eagle face towards the olive branch in peace, and towards the arrows in wartime.
The Bald Eagle is a sacred bird in some North American cultures, and its feathers, like those of the Golden Eagle, are central to many religious and spiritual customs among Native Americans. Eagles are considered spiritual messengers between gods and humans by some cultures. Many pow wow dancers use the eagle claw as part of their regalia as well. Eagle feathers are often used in traditional ceremonies, particularly in the construction of regalia worn and as a part of fans, bustles and head dresses. The Lakota, for instance, give an eagle feather as a symbol of honor to person who achieves a task. In modern times, it may be given on an event such as a graduation from college. The Pawnee considered eagles as symbols of fertility because their nests are built high off the ground and because they fiercely protect their young. The Kwakwaka'wakw scattered eagle down to welcome important guests. The Choctaw explained that the Bald Eagle, who has direct contact with the upper world of the sun, is a symbol of peace.
During the Sun Dance, which is practiced by many Plains Indian tribes, the eagle is represented in several ways. The eagle nest is represented by the fork of the lodge where the dance is held. A whistle made from the wing bone of an eagle is used during the course of the dance. Also during the dance, a medicine man may direct his fan, which is made of eagle feathers, to people who seek to be healed. The medicine man touches the fan to the center pole and then to the patient, in order to transmit power from the pole to the patient. The fan is then held up toward the sky, so that the eagle may carry the prayers for the sick to the Creator.[
Current eagle feather law stipulates that only individuals of certifiable Native American ancestry enrolled in a federally recognized tribe are legally authorized to obtain Bald or Golden Eagle feathers for religious or spiritual use. The constitutionality of these laws has been questioned by Native American groups on the basis that it violates the First Amendment by affecting ability to practice their religion freely.
This year was my first visit to the USA and I saw a bold eagle, twise, flying in the blue sky near the Mississippi river . That's an amazing filling to see that majestic bird , a great symbol of the americans and of the nature. I'm honored from that appearance and yes - America did bite a piece of my heart..
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. -Bob Marley
Ние , хората, се раждаме с първороден грях. Дори да живеем благоверно, ние пак ще отидем в ада, защото ние сме грешници по рождение. Грехът е като мръсна дреха.
цитат от филма Stone с Robert de Niro и Edwart Norton.
Понякога можеш да откриеш велики истини и прозрения в тях. За себе си. Или пък просто могат да те накарат да поразмишляваш.Както мен тези по - горе.
Изглежда ние хората носим страданието в себе си, то е заложено в гените ни - дълбоко, изначално и безпрекословно. Раждаме се с болка, живеем с болка и често умираме с болка. Има страдание, от което не можеш да избягаш, има болка, която не можеш да притъпиш. Но същевременно имаш избор, можеш да контролираш болката, можеш да я игнорираш, можеш да й позволиш да се разлее в теб, да я задържиш в себе си или да я оставиш да премине през теб, без да оказваш съпротивление. Имаш избор.
Боб Марли казва, че всеки , по един или друг начин, ще те нарани. Това е непрекъснат процес. Ти срещаш нови хора, допускаш ги до себе си, нараняваш ги. Те те нараняват. Един постоянен и неизменен процес в най - често срещаната схема на взаимоотношения. Такъв е животът и колкото по - рано го разбереш, толкова по - налко ще страдаш. Да не обичаш, да избягваш, да игнорираш не е решение, а нов начин да страдаш, може би дори по - болезнен. Не знам. Знам само, че тази година искам да страдам по - малко , да обичам повече, да ме обичат повече, да се наслаждавам, да се радвам, да искам, да опитвам, да търся, изследвам, намирам, откривам , да бъда открита и .. .. да пренебрегвам , повече и по- старателно .Възможно е и да бъда цинична, ако това по някакъв начин намалява страданието ми.Животът често е циничен и макар цинизмът да е средсво, което цели да убеди някого в нещо, което не съществува, понякога е чудесно средство за облекчаване на болката.
Искам да нося червено, да летя с парапланер, да видя морето и от някой самолет небето, искам теб, да бъда с теб и в теб , искам да накарам приятелите ми и хората, които обичам също да се усмихват и... куп други неща.
Искам да се усмихвам по -често, по - спонтанно и по - широко. Искам цялата да бъда усмивка. Понякога това е трудно, но това е моят избор за тази година.
И за следващата, и за по - следващата....
А относно болката и страданието е ясно - те винаги са някъде около нас и макар че в умните книги пише, че те се явяват в нашия живот, за да ни научат, за да ни помогнат да изчистим греховете си, да станем по- мъдри и възвишени, аз съзирам един чудесен повод да бъда цинична:
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.
Bob Marley
We humans are born with an original sin. Even pious to live, we will still go to hell because we are sinners by birth. Sin is as filthy rags.
a quote from the movie " Stone" with Robert de Niro and the great Edwart Norton.
Sometimes you can find great truths and insights into them. For you. Or they can simply make you to think on it .As me these - above.
It seems we humans bear the suffering inside us , it lies in our genes - deep , primordial and unconditional. We are born with pain, we live with pain and often we die in pain. There is suffering from which you can not escape, there is pain that can not be dull. But in the same time you have a choice, you can control the pain- you can ignore it, you can let it be spilled in you , to hold it in yourself or let it pass through you without any resistance. You have a choice.
Bob Marley says that everyone in one way or another, will hurt you. It is a continuous process. You meet new people, allow them close to you, admit them into your world , you hurt them. They hurt you . A permanent and unchanging process - and the most common scheme of relationships between people . Such is a human life and as earlier you understand this, less you will suffer. Not to love, to avoid, to ignore - that is not a solution, is just a new way to suffer, perhaps even more painful. I don't know. I only know that this year I want to suffer less , to love more , to be loved more, to enjoy life , to try, to seek, to explore, to find, to discover, to be found. . .. and to ignore - more and more thoroughly. It is possible to be cynical too , if this helps somehow to reduce my suffering .The life is often cynical and even cynicism is means, which aim to persuade someone into something that doesn't exist, it is sometimes an excellent way to relieve the pain , which burns you inside.
I want to wear red, to fly with a paraglider, to see the sea , the sky from a plane, I want you , to be with you and inside you, I want to make my friends and the people I love happy . ..and a millions other things too ..
I want to smile more often, more spontaneous and wide. I want to be all just a smile. Sometimes it's difficult, but it is my choice for this year.
And the next, and for - the next too....
And on pain and suffering is clear - they are always somewhere around us and although in some smart books is written that they appear in our life to teach us, to help us clean our sins, to become wiser and sublime, I perceive a great reason to be cynical:
Ние , хората, се раждаме с първороден грях. Дори да живеем благоверно, ние пак ще отидем в ада, защото ние сме грешници по рождение. Грехът е като мръсна дреха.
цитат от филма Stone с Robert de Niro и Edwart Norton.
Понякога можеш да откриеш велики истини и прозрения в тях. За себе си. Или пък просто могат да те накарат да поразмишляваш.Както мен тези по - горе.
Изглежда ние хората носим страданието в себе си, то е заложено в гените ни - дълбоко, изначално и безпрекословно. Раждаме се с болка, живеем с болка и често умираме с болка. Има страдание, от което не можеш да избягаш, има болка, която не можеш да притъпиш. Но същевременно имаш избор, можеш да контролираш болката, можеш да я игнорираш, можеш да й позволиш да се разлее в теб, да я задържиш в себе си или да я оставиш да премине през теб, без да оказваш съпротивление. Имаш избор.
Боб Марли казва, че всеки , по един или друг начин, ще те нарани. Това е непрекъснат процес. Ти срещаш нови хора, допускаш ги до себе си, нараняваш ги. Те те нараняват. Един постоянен и неизменен процес в най - често срещаната схема на взаимоотношения. Такъв е животът и колкото по - рано го разбереш, толкова по - налко ще страдаш. Да не обичаш, да избягваш, да игнорираш не е решение, а нов начин да страдаш, може би дори по - болезнен. Не знам. Знам само, че тази година искам да страдам по - малко , да обичам повече, да ме обичат повече, да се наслаждавам, да се радвам, да искам, да опитвам, да търся, изследвам, намирам, откривам , да бъда открита и .. .. да пренебрегвам , повече и по- старателно .Възможно е и да бъда цинична, ако това по някакъв начин намалява страданието ми.Животът често е циничен и макар цинизмът да е средсво, което цели да убеди някого в нещо, което не съществува, понякога е чудесно средство за облекчаване на болката.
Искам да нося червено, да летя с парапланер, да видя морето и от някой самолет небето, искам теб, да бъда с теб и в теб , искам да накарам приятелите ми и хората, които обичам също да се усмихват и... куп други неща.
Искам да се усмихвам по -често, по - спонтанно и по - широко. Искам цялата да бъда усмивка. Понякога това е трудно, но това е моят избор за тази година.
И за следващата, и за по - следващата....
А относно болката и страданието е ясно - те винаги са някъде около нас и макар че в умните книги пише, че те се явяват в нашия живот, за да ни научат, за да ни помогнат да изчистим греховете си, да станем по- мъдри и възвишени, аз съзирам един чудесен повод да бъда цинична:
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.
Bob Marley
We humans are born with an original sin. Even pious to live, we will still go to hell because we are sinners by birth. Sin is as filthy rags.
a quote from the movie " Stone" with Robert de Niro and the great Edwart Norton.
Sometimes you can find great truths and insights into them. For you. Or they can simply make you to think on it .As me these - above.
It seems we humans bear the suffering inside us , it lies in our genes - deep , primordial and unconditional. We are born with pain, we live with pain and often we die in pain. There is suffering from which you can not escape, there is pain that can not be dull. But in the same time you have a choice, you can control the pain- you can ignore it, you can let it be spilled in you , to hold it in yourself or let it pass through you without any resistance. You have a choice.
Bob Marley says that everyone in one way or another, will hurt you. It is a continuous process. You meet new people, allow them close to you, admit them into your world , you hurt them. They hurt you . A permanent and unchanging process - and the most common scheme of relationships between people . Such is a human life and as earlier you understand this, less you will suffer. Not to love, to avoid, to ignore - that is not a solution, is just a new way to suffer, perhaps even more painful. I don't know. I only know that this year I want to suffer less , to love more , to be loved more, to enjoy life , to try, to seek, to explore, to find, to discover, to be found. . .. and to ignore - more and more thoroughly. It is possible to be cynical too , if this helps somehow to reduce my suffering .The life is often cynical and even cynicism is means, which aim to persuade someone into something that doesn't exist, it is sometimes an excellent way to relieve the pain , which burns you inside.
I want to wear red, to fly with a paraglider, to see the sea , the sky from a plane, I want you , to be with you and inside you, I want to make my friends and the people I love happy . ..and a millions other things too ..
I want to smile more often, more spontaneous and wide. I want to be all just a smile. Sometimes it's difficult, but it is my choice for this year.
And the next, and for - the next too....
And on pain and suffering is clear - they are always somewhere around us and although in some smart books is written that they appear in our life to teach us, to help us clean our sins, to become wiser and sublime, I perceive a great reason to be cynical:
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