Greece - The Meteora.Relics.
Skulls, bones and their meaning:
Всички вуду маски, които имат изображение на череп, череп с кости и възможни вариации са маски на добрите духове Лоа. Във Вуду съществува незрима връзка между света на живите и мъртвите. Живите са длъжни да помнят и да почитат мъртвите, а те от своя страна са длъжни да помагат на тези, които ги почитат. Тази взаимовръзка е много силна, макар че някои могат да разбират магията и религията на Вуду като култ към мъртвите. /via
2.Тайно общество на университета Йейл.
3.Пиратски символ.
1.A positive symbol in voodoo religion.
2.Skull and Bones is a secret society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
3.In the old days, I mean the really old days, a skull and crossbones symbol would hang above the entrance to buildings and places related to death (mortuaries, graveyards and so on), to warn people not to go in there. As the years passed, it of course became a symbol of death or risk of death, like on crates of poison.
It is originally not at all related to Nazism; Pretty much all nations in the world used this symbol on their uniforms, but as WWII was over, most people related it to Nazism, and therefore, other armies stopped using this symbol.
When Emanuell Wynn started using this symbol (all pirates had their own symbol; Blackbeard had a full skeleton with horns, holding a spear towards a bleeding heart, Calico Jack had a skull with crossing cutlasses under it, Bartholomew Roberts (Black Bart) had a drawing of himself and a skeleton toasting, Thomas tew had a human arm holding a cutlass in the raised position), it was of course because it was related to poison and death, and this scared the fighting will out of anyone who saw a ship flying these colors.
Pirates did not, however, use it to say "No quarter" ("take no prisoners", meaning that everyone would be killed). A full red flag in addition to the pirate's personal Jolly Roger meant "No quarter", a Jolly Roger simply meant "hello there, we are pirates, and if you look closely enough, you'll see who the captain is!".
So, to sum up:
1. Death
2. Poison
3. Piratery
4. "Oooh, look at me, I'm tough"
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