II. Non-Christian Designs
The Ankh - also known as key of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansatah is rooted deep in Egyptian culture. Picture the Latin cross, but bend the top portion around into a loop, and you have the Key of Life as the Ankh was called by the ancient Egyptians. They believed the key was used by the Gods of the underworld to awaken those who had crossed the river of death, and usher them into the afterlife. The Ankh also has been used as a sign for infinity and fertility. It is interesting to note that the Ankh was closely related to Horus in Egyptian mythology; his tale of death and rebirth clearly parallels the story of Christ's death and resurrection.
Ankh was adopted as a symbol of modern religion called Kemetism, which is reconstructing the ancient Egyptian religion at the present.
A stylized ankh is also the symbol of the gothic metal band Theatres des Vampires.
tnx, but I'm thinking over to leave or shut down this page soon :) good luck with yours!