Saturday, December 31, 2011
Pirates Treasure Maps.
Pirate Treasure Map :: South Sea and Coasts of America 1680-1683

Pirate Treasure Map :: Laguna Gulf of Ballona

Pirate Treasure Map :: Bay of Panama

Pirate Treasure Map :: Isla de la Gorgona

Pirate Treasure Map - Hilo

Pirate Treasure Map - City of la Serereo

via: karenswhimsy.com
For real treasures there are not maps to find....

Pirate Treasure Map :: Laguna Gulf of Ballona

Pirate Treasure Map :: Bay of Panama

Pirate Treasure Map :: Isla de la Gorgona

Pirate Treasure Map - Hilo

Pirate Treasure Map - City of la Serereo

via: karenswhimsy.com
For real treasures there are not maps to find....
Thursday, December 29, 2011
In a state of expectation.
Are those my only two options?
Billy Beane: Would you rather get one shot in the head or five in the chest and bleed to death?
Peter Brand: Are those my only two options?
from the movie " Moneyball"
via: IMDb
Peter Brand: Are those my only two options?
from the movie " Moneyball"
via: IMDb
Aлександър Геров.
Млечен път
Сънят е същност на света...
Когато се събудя, трябва
да се преборвам с мисълта,
със хората, с труда, със хляба...
А в неговия скут люлян,
аз се докосвам до всемира
и все едно ми е да знам
живея ли, или умирам.
Това е същността! Светът
със свойта вечност го доказва.
А трепкащия млечен път
на сън ми приказка разказва.
Сънят е същност на света...
Когато се събудя, трябва
да се преборвам с мисълта,
със хората, с труда, със хляба...
А в неговия скут люлян,
аз се докосвам до всемира
и все едно ми е да знам
живея ли, или умирам.
Това е същността! Светът
със свойта вечност го доказва.
А трепкащия млечен път
на сън ми приказка разказва.
Christian D. Larson
A friend sent me this and having such friends makes me already a happy one..
Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.
Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.
Проф. Илия Бешков.

Илия Бешков е роден на 24 юли 1901 година в Долни Дъбник. Негов брат е политикът Иван Бешков, осъден на смърт от комунистическия Народен съд.
В периода 1918 - 1920 г. Бешков следва в Юридическия факултет на Софийския университет. Завръща се за кратко в родния Долни Дъбник като учител. През 1921 г. започва да учи живопис в Художествената академия в класа на проф. Никола Маринов и завършва през 1926 г.
Още като студент печата карикатури в сп. "Маскарад", "Див дядо", "Българан", "Стършел", "Вик". илюстрира изданията на издателствата "Т. Ф. Чипев" и "Хемус". От 1925 г. сътрудничи на в. "Пладне" и редица други издания. На два пъти в този период е арестуван: през 1923 г. за участие в юнското въстание и след априлските събития през 1925 г.
От 1930 г. е член на дружеството "Родно изкуство". От 1945 г. преподава в Академията рисуване, илюстрация и оформление на книгата, редовен професор там става през 1953 г., завежда катедра "Графика" до края на живота си.
Умира в София на 23 януари 1958 г.
via. wikipedia.org


Пияни баби.


Пред огледалото.
За повече инфо ТУК
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Japanese style.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Trailer El Rey de la montaña
I've just red some comments in YouTube about this, that the movie should be remastered by someone in Hollywood...Ok, great idea! But I'm glad I've watched this version first, because Hollywood doesn't make me feel anymore..
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Из Религиозна толерантност
Има много индикации, че българите са били многоженци както голяма част от народите, с които са контактували през първите векове.
...Ал Масуде разказа, че част от българите са били поклонници на огъня, други са били християни, трети - мюсюлмани, а четвърти са нямали свещени книги. Ако двуженството или много женството е било разрешено, става ясно окъде идва религиозната толерантност на предците ни. Ако едната съпруга е християнка, а другата - поклонничка на огъня или ако едната вярва в Тангра, а другата - в Аллах, на мъжа не му остава нищо друго, освен да е религиозно толерантен, за да има мир в семейството....
Има много индикации, че българите са били многоженци както голяма част от народите, с които са контактували през първите векове.
...Ал Масуде разказа, че част от българите са били поклонници на огъня, други са били християни, трети - мюсюлмани, а четвърти са нямали свещени книги. Ако двуженството или много женството е било разрешено, става ясно окъде идва религиозната толерантност на предците ни. Ако едната съпруга е християнка, а другата - поклонничка на огъня или ако едната вярва в Тангра, а другата - в Аллах, на мъжа не му остава нищо друго, освен да е религиозно толерантен, за да има мир в семейството....
Така Енравота - първородният син на хан Омуртаг (814-831), е бил християнин, а вторият - Звиница и третият - наследилият престола Маламир (813-836). изглежда са били езичници. Така е било и с синовете на княз Борис I (852-889). първородният - Расате (889-893), си е останал езичник, а по-малкият Симеон (893-927), е бил възпитан изцяло в християнски дух.
Из "Българите" - Пламен Петков
Из "Българите" - Пламен Петков
Ildikó von Kürthy
Willst du was gelten, mach dich selten.
I've deleted recently my profile in FB - there couldn't be more " selten"..
I've deleted recently my profile in FB - there couldn't be more " selten"..
Björk with her son Sindri at Iceland's Blue Lagoon.
What I'm reading..
some of the books are these:
1.Etgar Keret - The girl on the fridge
2.Haruki Murakami - Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
1.Etgar Keret - The girl on the fridge
2.Haruki Murakami - Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Alberto Giacometti.
Alberto Giacometti (10 October 1901 Borgonovo, Stampa – 11 January 1966) was a Swiss sculptor, painter, draughtsman, and printmaker.
Alberto Giacometti was born in the canton Graubünden's southerly alpine valley Val Bregaglia and came from an artistic background; his father, Giovanni, was a well-known post-Impressionist painter. Alberto was the eldest of four children and was interested in art from the beginning of his life.
Giacometti was a key player in the Surrealist art movement, but his work resists easy categorization. Some describe it as formalist, others argue it is expressionist or otherwise having to do with what Deleuze calls 'blocs of sensation' (as in Deleuze's analysis of Francis Bacon). Even after his excommunication from the Surrealist group, while the intention of his sculpting was usually imitation, the end products were an expression of his emotional response to the subject. He attempted to create renditions of his models the way he saw them, and the way he thought they ought to be seen. He once said that he was sculpting not the human figure but "the shadow that is cast."
Scholar William Barrett in Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy (1962), argues that the attenuated forms of Giacometti's figures reflect the view of 20th century modernism and existentialism that modern life is increasingly empty and devoid of meaning. "All the sculptures of today, like those of the past, will end one day in pieces... So it is important to fashion ones work carefully in its smallest recess and charge every particle of matter with life."
A new exhibition in Paris, since September 2011, shows how Giacometti strongly drew his inspiration for his work from Etruscan art.
via: Wikipedia.org
Alberto Giacometti was born in the canton Graubünden's southerly alpine valley Val Bregaglia and came from an artistic background; his father, Giovanni, was a well-known post-Impressionist painter. Alberto was the eldest of four children and was interested in art from the beginning of his life.
Giacometti was a key player in the Surrealist art movement, but his work resists easy categorization. Some describe it as formalist, others argue it is expressionist or otherwise having to do with what Deleuze calls 'blocs of sensation' (as in Deleuze's analysis of Francis Bacon). Even after his excommunication from the Surrealist group, while the intention of his sculpting was usually imitation, the end products were an expression of his emotional response to the subject. He attempted to create renditions of his models the way he saw them, and the way he thought they ought to be seen. He once said that he was sculpting not the human figure but "the shadow that is cast."
Scholar William Barrett in Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy (1962), argues that the attenuated forms of Giacometti's figures reflect the view of 20th century modernism and existentialism that modern life is increasingly empty and devoid of meaning. "All the sculptures of today, like those of the past, will end one day in pieces... So it is important to fashion ones work carefully in its smallest recess and charge every particle of matter with life."
A new exhibition in Paris, since September 2011, shows how Giacometti strongly drew his inspiration for his work from Etruscan art.
via: Wikipedia.org

Ildikó von Kürthy
"Ich sagte, daß ich heute früh raus und viel arbeiten müsse."
"Ich lach mich kaputt. Dass hat er dir geglaubt? Klasse! Das nenne ich Emanzipation. So ein dämliches Argument hört man sonst nur von Männern."
" Mondscheintarif "
Monday, December 19, 2011
La Haine Official Trailer
Things haven't changed much since 1995..
Abdel, a local hoodlum, is hospitalized after a riot, where a policeman lost his gun. His friend Vinz finds it and claims he will kill a cop if Abdel dies.
Director: Mathieu Kassovitz
Writer: Mathieu Kassovitz
Stars:Vincent Cassel, Hubert Koundé and Saïd Taghmaou
via: IMDb
Sunday, December 18, 2011
A story.. nope,is not mine, but could be everybodies..
to be softened
to share a good link together
accepts me for me
lead a good life
to be or not to be strict for me in truth
to be saddened
to harbour such thoughts
not to be conversational at the moment
holding onto false hopes
to use dark words
to cry my eyes out
it took me a long time to recover
my heart feels nothing for this person
the train moves on...
to share a good link together
accepts me for me
lead a good life
to be or not to be strict for me in truth
to be saddened
to harbour such thoughts
not to be conversational at the moment
holding onto false hopes
to use dark words
to cry my eyes out
it took me a long time to recover
my heart feels nothing for this person
the train moves on...
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Хайнрих Бьол.
За хората няма нищо по-неприятно от един клоун, който предизвиква състрадание. То е изглежда като келнер, който пристига до масата ви с инвалидна количка и ви носи бира.
Из"Възгледите н един клоун"
Из"Възгледите н един клоун"
Friday, December 16, 2011
Днес сме свикнали да наричаме първия български владетел на юг от Дунав Аспарух, но това не е истинското име на великия хан. Така го наричат гърците. Арменците го изписват Аспархрук. А в българските средновековни летописи той е назован Испор, Есперих, Есперерих или Исперих. Името му най-вероятно е от ирански произход и означава Бял Конник.
Из ' Българите" - автор Пламен Петков
Из ' Българите" - автор Пламен Петков
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Heinrich Böll
-Оставете тия глупости, Шнир. Какво става с вас?
-Католиците ми опъват нервите - рекох аз,- защото постъпват некрасиво.
-А протестантите? - запита той и пак се засмя.
-Те пък направо ме разболяват с непрестанното си търсене на честност.
-А атеистите?
-Истинска скука! Непрекъснато дрънкат все за бог...
-А какво сте всъщност вие?
-Клоун- рекох аз.
Из: "Възгледите на един клоун"
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