Бях "поканена" във FB в една кауза, която събираше пари за едно болно дете.
10 000 човека - армията от нейните горди поддръжници. Зачетох се на т.н стена и попаднах на коментар от майката, която благодареше за събраните! 3000лв. / целта беше sms за 1.2лв/. Хммм -браво! Впечатляващо!
Само дето нещо се обърквам каква точно е целта, когато подкрепяш дадена кауза?
Дали не правят тениски с каузите в FB??
I was "invited" in one of these causes in FB, which is raising money for a sick child.
10 000 people are in it -the army of proud supporters. I've started to read on it's wall. I found a comment from the mother , who was expressing gratitude to these people for 3000 lv, which were collected till that moment / a single sms costs 1.2 lv/. Hmmm, well done! Even impressive.
Except that, that I can't understand - what exactly is the purpose when you support a cause?
Does somebody make T-shirts with a cause in FB??
Many, many people will be so proud to have one.
10 000 people are in it -the army of proud supporters. I've started to read on it's wall. I found a comment from the mother , who was expressing gratitude to these people for 3000 lv, which were collected till that moment / a single sms costs 1.2 lv/. Hmmm, well done! Even impressive.
Except that, that I can't understand - what exactly is the purpose when you support a cause?
Does somebody make T-shirts with a cause in FB??
Many, many people will be so proud to have one.
I mean something like this:

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