Sunday, October 30, 2011
Brazil(1985) Trailer
Brazil/ 1985/
Nominated for 2 Oscars; Another 8 wins & 1 nomination
Director: Terry Gilliam
Writers: Terry Gilliam (screenplay), Tom Stoppard (screenplay)
Stars:Jonathan Pryce, Kim Greist and Robert De Niro
-According to Maxim magazine, director Terry Gilliam was reportedly so stressed during filming that he lost all feeling in his legs for a week.
- Although a dystopia, the world of Brazil is set sometime in the present. The film just isn't specific about when.
-The samurai sequence was originally conceived to reflect Terry Gilliam's love for Akira Kurosawa films
-Теrry Gilliam and his crew were excited to have Robert De Niro on board at first, but as time wore on they found De Niro's need for "research" and obsession with details increasingly irritating, saying that he "wanted to strangle him".
-admitted that the film was inspired by George Orwell's 1984, although he never actually read the book. He jokingly referred to it as "1984 and a half."
Един филм, който определено напомня за 1984 на Джордж Оруел и съответно поставя зрителя в среда на подобен абсурден реализъм и сива безпомощност. Имаш чувството, че влизаш от една стая в друга или се изкачваш по стълби, които нямат край и ти никога не достигаш до целта. Във всяка стая сцената е различна, но всички те си приличат по това, че са еднакво гротескни. Бягаш,но същевременно всяка твоя крачка се следи, така че услията ти, в края на краищата, се оказват безполезни. Филмът те изтощава емоционално, но пък лично за мен краят е положителен и мечтата на Сам, в крайна сметка, се осъществява, макар и в едни други измерения.
Не знам защо, но това Бюро на Информацията от филма го свързвам със съвременния Facebook.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Из "Календарни мъдрости" на Бeртолт Брехт.
разказал на останалите, които за нищо не питали, следната притча:
-Видях тези дни един дом. Той гореше.
Пламъци ближеха покрива. Пристъпих по-близо и зърнах, че вътре все още имаше хора. Вратата разтворих и викнах, че покривът им гори, като с това ги приканих да излязат по-скоро навън.
Но хората изглежда не бързаха. Един от тях заразпитва, дордето огънят вече му пърлеше веждите:
как е там вънка, да не би да вали, не духа ли вятър, има ли нов дом за тях и други подобни. Без да отвърна излязох. "Тези, помислих си, трябва да пламнат съвсем, за да престанат със своите въпроси!"
И действително, приятели мои, на когото земята под нозете не е тъй гореща, че да жадува час по-скоро да я напусне и я замени с която и да е друга-
на него нямам какво да говоря.
Тъй каза Гаутама, наречен Буда.
Amores Perros
Amores perros is a 2000 neorealist Mexican film, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Amores Perros is the first movie in Iñárritu's trilogy of death, and was followed by 21 Grams and Babel. It is a triptych; an anthology film, sometimes referred to as the "Mexican Pulp Fiction," containing three distinct stories which are connected by a car accident in Mexico City. Each of the three tales is also a reflection on the cruelty of humans toward animals and each other, showing how they may live dark or even hideous lives. Amores Perros was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2000 and won the Ariel Award for Best Picture from the Mexican Academy of Film. The film Amores Perros gives a clear representation of the division between classes in Mexican society, as we are shown characters from under, working and middle classes. But the film's theme is loyalty, as symbolized by the dog, "man's best friend". Dogs are important to the main characters in each of the three stories, and in each story various forms of human loyalty or disloyalty are shown; disloyalty to a brother by trying to seduce the brother's girl-friend, disloyalty to a wife by keeping a mistress with subsequent disloyalty to the mistress when she is injured and loses her beauty, loss of loyalty to youthful idealism and rediscovered loyalty to a daughter as a hit-man falls from and then attempts to regain grace.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
13 000
13 000 probably is not that much, but is a nice number, isn't it?
13 000 in fact exactly what I need...
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Island (dir. Kamen Kalev).mov
България/Швеция, 2011, 109'
Режисьор и сценарист: Камен Калев
Участват: Летисия Каста, Туре Линдхарт, Бойка Велкова, Руси Чанев, Михаил Мутафов, Алехандро Ходоровски
От утре по кината!
Milan Kundera
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Almanya | Trailer D (2011) sound fixed
Berlin sagt danke – Berlin teşekkür ediyor.
Und feiert das Anwerbeabkommen mit der Türkei
Ich habe heute gelesen...
End to feel myself even better I'll show why Berlin
because Berlin rocks... everything else except a boring city..
because it happens to forget that you have a bicycle..
because you can see people all over the world relaxing together in the park
because life is beutiful there...
..and you can see and touch young chimney-sweepers
...Love is free..
.. I feel myself pretty and happy there..
and not on the last place - because is green.
Flogging Molly - "Seven Deadly Sins" Side One Dummy
Here there are....I already feel myself better..
Monday, October 10, 2011

The unicorn is one of a very few mythological creatures that are considered to be beneficial in almost all traditions. The unicorn is universally beautiful, mysterious and difficult to capture or tame. Although modern unicorns are depicted simply as horses with a single horn, traditional unicorns also possessed a billy goat’s beard, a lion’s tail and cloven hooves.
Unicorns have a place in Greek mythology, Chinese traditions, in the art of the Indus Valley and India. Greek writers including Pliny the Elder and Aristotle mention the unicorn in their writings.So the Unicorn became the most important imaginary animal of the middle ages and Renaissance when it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin. In the encyclopedias its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness. Until the 19th century, belief in unicorns was widespread among historians, alchemists, writers, poets, naturalists, physicians, and theologians.
Unicorn Symbolism in the Bible
Translators of the Hebrew Bible used “unicorn” for the word “re’em” and give at least eight mentions of the unicorn in the Old Testament, including "And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with their bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness" (Isaiah 34:7) and “God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of the unicorn” (Numbers 23:22).
Tracian jewellery.
Mogilanska mogila -Vratza / Bulgaria/.
Могиланската могила - Враца -най-известната гробница на тракийска принцеса.
Могиланската могила е полуразрушен насип във Враца, който дълги години е стърчал в двора на една къща, почти в центъра на старата част на града. В периода 1965/66 г. са проведени археологически проучвания на могилата. Археолозите открили една ограбена още в древността гробница и други две, които са сравнително запазени. В по-голямата камера са намерени телата на възрастен човек и млада жена. Тук са намерени и две сребърни канички, четири фиали, бронзови съдове и различни оръжия, между които много бронзови заострени върхове на стрели, железни остриета, бронзов шлем, сребърна кнемида (наколенник) на места позлатена и с много богата украса.
Погребението било изключително богато и това дало основание да се мисли, че тук е била заровена древнотракийска принцеса.
Главата на младата жена била украсена със златен венец, наподобяващ лаврови клонки. Той тежал 205 гр. най-чисто злато. Златният венец се допълвал и от масивни златни обеци, украсени в долната част с фигурки на сфинксове и растителни орнаменти.
В третия гроб, частично ограбен в древността, били открити скелети на мъж и жена със златни и сребърни канички, златни скъпоценности, предмети от глина, стрели със заострени железни върхове. Златната кана представя две галопиращи колесници теглени от по четири коня с човек в ризница.
Богатите находки в съкровището от Могиланската могила утвърждават мнението, че става въпрос за царска гробница, свързана с династията управлявала през IV в. пр.н.е. - трибалите, които обитавали земите на сегашния Врачански край.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
François Ozon.

François Ozon, born 15 November 1967, is a French film director and screenwriter and whose films are usually characterized by sharp satirical wit and a freewheeling view on human sexuality.
He has achieved international acclaim for his films 8 femmes (2002) and Swimming Pool (2003). Ozon is considered to be one of the most important young French film directors in the new “New Wave” in French cinema such as Jean-Paul Civeyrac, Philippe Ramos, and Yves Caumon, as well as a group of French filmmakers associated with a "cinema du corps/cinema of the body"./
2,8 / 40,41 /45,46
8/ 15,16 / 24,25 /48
Преди време, в два поредни тиража, се паднаха едни и същи числа. Измериха топките и разбира се, не че някой се е усъмнил, те си бяха съвсем наред! От Тото.bg излезнаха с коментара, че статистически на 1 билион случая това било възможно.
Боже, та ние сме били свидетели на една почти невероятна случайност!!
Germany. Wansee.
The sky is getting sulky and the sun is hardly to see and to feel anymore, the wind and the rain is making people hurried up and so sullen, that man is wondering if they really took delight in the summer.
Here are some picture from my summer to remember, to save, to keep it up.
A photography is a great invention isn't it?
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Car burnings in Berlin.
Helmut Newton Photobook.
Helmut Newton, born Helmut Neustädter (October 31, 1920 – January 23, 2004) was a German-Australian photographer. He was a "prolific, widely imitated fashion photographer whose provocative, erotically charged black-and-white photos were a mainstay of Vogue and other publications."
He established a particular style marked by erotic, stylized scenes, often with sado-masochistic and fetishistic subtexts. A heart attack in 1970 slowed Newton's output, but his notoriety continued to increase, most notably with his 1980 "Big Nudes" series, which marked the pinnacle of his erotic-urban style, underpinned with excellent technical skills. Newton also worked in portraiture and more fantastical studies.
Newton was fond of his hometown of Berlin, and in October 2003 he donated an extensive photo collection to the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, establishing the Helmut Newton Foundation. The foundation's mission is the conservation, protection and presentation of the oeuvre of Helmut Newton and Alice Springs.
This summer I had the chance to see this collection. I'm not a follower of the fashion photography, but I'm glad that I took a first- hand look at the creativity work of such a great photographer.
Khaled Hosseini.

Khaled Hosseini is an American novelist and physician from Afghanistan and an ethnic Tajik.He is a citizen of the United States where he has lived since he was fifteen years old. His 2003 debut novel, The Kite Runner, was an international bestseller, selling more than 12 million copies worldwide.
Милан Кундера
из" Непосилната лекота на битието"
Eckhard Tolle - The power of Now.
Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Berlin feiert den Tag der Deutschen Einheit.
The Eastern Bloc claimed that the wall was erected to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a socialist state in East Germany. In practice, the Wall served to prevent the massive emigration and defection that marked Germany and the communist Eastern Bloc during the post-World War II period.
In 1989, a radical series of political changes occurred in the Eastern Bloc, associated with the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc's authoritarian systems and the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet governments in nearby Poland and Hungary. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans crossed and climbed onto the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere. Over the next few weeks, a euphoric public and souvenir hunters chipped away parts of the wall; the governments later used industrial equipment to remove most of the rest. The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990.
On 3 of October Berlin celebrate the German Reunification / die Deutsche Einheit/, which many Germans from the west part still accept with reserve.
Remain from the Wall near Teltow.