Sunday, May 29, 2011
BBC - The Wonderfull World of Albert Kahn
Over 72,000 colour photographs. More than 180,000 metres of film. Hundreds of letters, diaries, and testimonies, describing extraordinary journeys through exotic lands. This vast treasury is held in the archives of the Albert Kahn Museum in Paris - home to the most important collection of early colour photographs in the world. In 1909, the French financier Albert Kahn decided to send photographers around the globe to document life on the planet. These photographers witnessed some of the most momentous events of the age, but they also photographed the intimate details of the everyday lives of ordinary people. A century on, viewers can see Kahn's remarkable archive of vivid and hauntingly-beautiful pictures.
Oh,I want that book..
for further info click HERE
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
24 май! Честит празник на всички Българи!!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Oxytocin. the hormon of love.
Joe Strummer’s bizarre film ‘Hell W10’ starring The Clash, from 1983
The Clash’s Joe Strummer wrote and directed this rather strange gangster filck, Hell W10, which stars fellow bandmates, Paul Simonon as Earl, and Mick Jones as kingpin gangster, Socrates. The film centers around a tale of rivalry and ambition, murder and violence, mixing the style of 1930’s gangster movies with 1980’s London. It’s a reminiscent of something Alex Cox might have made (who later directed Strummer in the punk spaghetti western Straight to Hell), and while the film self-consciously meanders, it holds interest, and is aided by a superb soundtrack from The Clash. Watch out for Strummer as a mustachioed cop.
Hell W10 from Billy Blaze on Vimeo.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Massimo Sbreni.

I come across this amazing photographer from Ravenna - Italy , till I was browsing in Flickr. I couldn't abstain from share some images I found in the net, hope I do not violate some copy rights. I adore black and white photography and if I was a photographer I would make a similar art. Faces, eyes , smiles, moods, moments of people all over the world. Enjoy!
For more information visit the page of Massimo Sbreni's photostream:

Sunday, May 15, 2011
A Serpent is a very popular, potent and ancient symbol and I'm deeply interested to find out what is hidden behind it.
I'm born in the year of the Serpent , according to the traditional Chinese calendar. Furthermore , I saw a couple of times a Serpent in my dreams. Once it was quite interesting, because two or three days after that dream, something happened exactly like that picture I saw during the night, symbolically I mean. Man have to " read " the vision and I must say it is quite easy ... after the happening.
It was on Easter last year. I work with many people and I know many of them quite well, we are almost " friends ".Because of this I become a victim of a flagrant deceit - you just don't expect it from people you know. I must say that at that moment I didn't think about the dream at all. I dream a lot, strange things, but man never knows what's a fruit of his mind and what's something...different. Now I have another point of view and I've started to trust my dreams. For the record, the end was good for me.
Another time I've dreamt that I fall between millions of small snakes, like these on Medusas head. I still remember that awful, repulsive, creepy feeling. Pfuuu.
That was a good sign, according to the things that have happened after that.
Once I've found an old skin of a Serpient and I took it. Don't do this, people! It was a big mistake , which brought many disastres after it. Of course, it could be just a coincidence, but my advice still is - don't take it!
And one more thing - as I work as a pharmacist now, the Serpent is a modern emblem of healing and medicine.
So let's see what I've found out about this amazing creature:
Serpent is a word of Latin origin (from serpens, serpentis "something that creeps, snake") that is commonly used in a specifically mythic or religious context, signifying a snake that is to be regarded not as a mundane natural phenomenon nor as an object of scientific zoology, but as the bearer of some potent symbolic value. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind.
Serpents in world mythology are seen as ruling the underworld, protecting great treasure, and possessing secret knowledge. They represent both good and evil.
Ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Scandinavia, Greece, and Pre-Columbian America, to name just a few, all shared the symbolism of the snake in their religion and folklore. Snake gods and goddesses are seen throughout different ancient cultures such as the Greek Medusa with snakes for hair, or the Minoan Snake Goddess, or the Sumero-Babylonian Enki, the Serpent Lord of Wisdom and trickster god. They are significant deities with fierce and fearful power.
Snakes were an extremely popular representation of deity, of magical powers, and of regeneration and life. Indeed, serpents are life-giving and life-affirming. The Arabic has related words for serpent (hayyah) and life (hayat), both coming from the same root with the implication of the serpent being a life-giver.
Snakes were often affixed to the sterns of boats of many cultures to guide the seafarers and frighten any who might attack. The snake is seen as a modern emblem of healing and medicine still used in the form of the medical star of life symbol, the caduceus of Hermes and the rod of Aesclepius.
Serpents represent both good and evil in mythology. Worship and fear of serpents has been seen throughout religious history, as the snake represents a male, a female or androgynous god. Throughout the world the serpent may symbolize opposing qualities to different peoples, such as death, destruction, rebirth, authority, sin, trickery, temptation, wisdom, prophecy, mystery, fertility, healing, medicine, poisoning, warning, renewal, mortality, and immortality.
Snakes serve as guardians in folklore. Symbolically they can represent the earth and the underworld. Snakes are thought of as secretive and are equated with the hidden and most sacred aspects of religion. Early religion used the serpent as a phallic symbol, and also as a symbol of the mother goddess. Their forked tongues are thought to show duplicity, and their words cannot be trusted.
Cosmic Serpents
Much folklore worldwide depicts a great serpent that encircles the world. In this case where the snake swallows its own tail to form a circle, it is known by the Greek term Ouroboros, although the symbol first appeared in Ancient Egypt. Such a cosmic serpent is found in the Norse Jormungandr which encircled the world in the deep of the oceans, swallowing its own head.
In Mesoamerica, Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent deity represents both the earth and the sky. Quetzalcoatl has a father known as Mixcoatl. Mixcoatl is the Cloud Serpent deity who is identified with the heavens and the Milky Way. The Feathered Serpent is a popular iconographic symbol found throughout the Americas as seen, for example, among the Pre-Columbian Mesoamericans, those from Peru, Chile, and Hopis of the American Southwest, as well as the ancient mound builders of America and Europe.

The serpent is often found associated with a sacred tree, perhaps guarding some sacred fruit. This chthonic serpent may be coiled at the bottom of the tree. The snake as protector at a sacred tree is seen in Biblical and Norse mythology, as well as in the tales of the Bodhi tree of Buddhism.
The snake also inhabits the subterranean earth or the underworld, where he is a guardian of sacred entrances. Serpents are found throughout Egyptian mythology, usually as females. The cobra is a symbol of the goddess from antiquity and appears on the crown, the Uraeus, and in the hieroglyphic names of female goddesses. The cosmic chthonic serpent of Egypt is a male, however, known as Apep. Apep, an evil demon, represented darkness and chaos. Apep, who appeared from the Middle Kingdom onward, was considered the enemy of the Sun God, Ra.
The Egyptians practiced many rites to aid the god Ra to make his successful journey through each night undefeated by Apep. During the New Kingdom, the serpent Apep became associated with the god Set. The great antiquity of the place of the cosmic snake against the solar god was found in Egypt with a snake figure shown as an enemy of a solar deity. This was depicted on an ancient pottery bowl, now in the Cairo Museum (Naqada I, ca. 4000 BCE).
Black, Jeremy & Anthony Green. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary University of Austin Press (1992)
to be continued:
the Serpent in the different ages and mythologies
Балкански синдром.
"Балкански синдром. Самоунищожение и колосална загуба на време. От самоирония наистина правим живота си за смях. От желание да празнуваме губим всяка секунда от живота си."
" Копнеем за уникалност, но и настояваме, че сме най - лошите хора - странно съчетание, от което ни боли."
Мариус Куркински
Великолепна постановка на Мариус Куркински по Станислав Стратиев.
Гледай в Малък градски театър зад канала.
" Копнеем за уникалност, но и настояваме, че сме най - лошите хора - странно съчетание, от което ни боли."
Мариус Куркински
Великолепна постановка на Мариус Куркински по Станислав Стратиев.
Гледай в Малък градски театър зад канала.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Native American Labyrinths

Hopi Round Labyrinth

Hopi Square Labyrinth
The Symbol of the Emergence - The whole myth and meaning of the Emergence is expressed by one symbol known to the Hopis / The Hopi are a group of indigenous Native American people who primarily live on the 6,557.262 km² Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona. The Hopi Reservation is entirely surrounded by the much larger Navajo Reservation/ as the Mother Earth symbol. There are two forms, the square [yellow above] and the circular [red above]. Examples of these Labyrinth are carved on a rock south of Oraibi ( Oraibi is the oldest Hopi village and one of the oldest continuously inhabited villages within the territory of the United States ), and south of Shipaulovi. A combination of the two forms is also carved on a wooden stick which is planted in front of the One Horn altar in the Kwani kiva at Walpi during the Wъwuchim ceremony. The symbol is commonly known as Tapu'at [Mother and Child]. This type represents spiritual rebirth from one world to the succeeding one, as symbolized by the Emergence itself.

The Man in the Maze
At one level, the labyrinth symbolizes the female womb, only penetrable if one is pure and perfect. The male figure outside, representing the human seed, can penetrate the womb, fertilize the ovum, produce new life, which then emerges as a new birth or a reincarnated existence. Entry into the labyrinth gives new life to litoi, thus achieving reincarnation and eternal life.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
New Model Army - I Love The World
the musik of NMA always succeed to put me in some specific state of the mind, exactly what I need right now , time when the sky seems to be blue - but blue in that second , not very positive meaning of that word ..
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Стъпки в пясъка.
Режисьор и автор на сценария - Ивайло Христов
Оператор - Емил Христов
Художник - Владо Шишков
Музика - Петя Диманова
Продуцент - Асен Владимиров
В ролите: Иван Бърнев, Яна Титова, Асен Блатечки,Деян Донков, Карла Рахал, Лабина Митевска, Франклин Смит, Башар Рахал , Васил Михайлов и др
Pro Film, Bulgarian National Film Centre, NU Boyana Film
Гледах "Стъпки в пясъка " в един пролетен, слънчев и оптимистичен следобед в кино Влайкова - едно от малкото кина в София запазили, волно или неволно, духа и трескавата възбуда от гледането на филм от детството . Старите твърди, пластмасови и не много удобни столове, на пода специфичния захабен балатум, овехтелите стари , прашни , жълтеникаво - плюшени завеси и един още по – стар роял на сцената. Екранът – все още гордо виси в средата на тази сцена, макар и леко повреден на едно – две места.
Бяхме само трима души в този сравнително малък салон, което направи гледането на филма много лично и специално. Чуваш как операторът влиза в стаята за прожекции, светва лампата, зарежда лентата и пуска апарата , който кара екрана да оживее с онзи специфичен и много любим мой пукот, който дава началото на прожекцията . Лампите угасват и приключението започва.
Стъпки в пясъка е филм на Ивайло Христов, който ни пресъздава една история по истински случай, история в която биха разпознали себе си, в един или друг момент , много емигранти от източния блок. Филмът убедително ни връща години назад във времето на комунизма, време, което аз бях достатъчно осъзната, за да помня. Няма пресилени сцени, които да изкривяват миналото и да те отклоняват от поантата на сценария. Великолепна режисура, силен актьорски състав , прекрасна, непринудена игра и трогателен сюжет , който те движи по една крива линия, която ту те издига нагоре с онзи неподправен , дълбок , на места черен балкански хумор, ту те срива надолу обзет от тежки размисли за любовта , обичта , приятелството, предателстото, силата на духа и смисъла на живота.
В крайна сметка “ Стъпки в пясъка “ е един филм за любовта, онази чистата, истинска, слънчева любов, която макар и след много препятствия и перипетии , в крайна сметка побеждава. Във времето , в което живеем , където любовта е силно обезценена, низвергната и обезличена, за мен този български филм беше като глътка свеж въздух .
Monday, May 9, 2011
Религиозните представи и практики са важен елемент от културата на всеки народ. При траките е в сила култът към живота отвъд смъртта и те са правели пишни погребения с много скъпи дарове за отвъдния свят. Протославяните са кремирали своите мъртви и не са оставили значими свидетелства за употреба на знаци и символи. Прабългарите са смятали, че в отвъдния свят има всичко необходимо и са правели оскъдни, почти бедни погребения. За сметка на това те са вярвали, че човек може да влезе във връзка със света на боговете чрез писане, рисуване и оставяне на знаци. За тях писането е свещенодействие, а написаните знаци са свещени символи. Ето защо те са оставили хиляди руни, рисунки и знаци след себе си. Има достатъчно доказателствен материал да се твърди, че прабългарите са достигнали до достатъчно развита буквена система за писане малко преди създаването на глаголицата и част от тази система е влязла в по-късната кирилица. Това благоговейно отношение на прабългарите към символите и буквите е предадено по-късно и на християнизираните склавини, които не са имали своя развита символика. В средновековна България се счита, че писмеността е дар от бога, съответно писането на букви, даже без да се влага някакъв смисъл в тях, е свещенодействие и сливане с бога. Не случайно след християнизирането и приемането на писмеността, цялото население на България е наречено "словене" - хора на словото, писмеността и знанията, без оглед на неговия етнически произход - български или склавински.
Графити , соларни знаци и руни върху камъни от Плиска.
Графити , соларни знаци и руни върху камъни от Плиска.

Рунни графити върху камъни от Плиска

Соларни знаци - графити върху камъни от Плиска.

Графити върху камъни от Плиска

Графити върху камъни от Плиска.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. A labyrinth is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience. Walking the labyrinth can be considered an initiation in which one awakens the knowledge encoded within their DNA.
As a unicursal (one way in, one way out) path, a labyrinth is showing and teaching centeredness. This differentiates a labyrinth from a maze which has many paths & dead-ends leading to confusion. Like life & destiny, a labyrinth may be a long journey but it has a specific beginning and a definite end. Like mandalas, a labyrinth offers a holistic route (meandering radius) from the periphery to the center. A labyrinth imprints a 'royal groove', a ceremonial pathway designed according to principles such as Harmonic Proportion and Alternance of Energy. For instance, the clockwise (sunwise) and counter-clockwise (moonwise) spins of the meanders map out a balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Labyrinth is a word of pre-Greek ("Pelasgian") origin absorbed by classical Greek, and is apparently related to labrys, a word for the archaic iconic "double axe", with inthos connoting "place" (as in "Corinth"). The complex palace of Knossos in Crete is usually implicated, though the actual dancing-ground, depicted in frescoed patterns at Knossos, has not been found. Something was being shown to visitors as a labyrinth at Knossos in the 1st century AD.
In the 3rd century BC coins from Knossos are still struck with the labyrinth symbol. The predominant labyrinth form during this period is the simple 7-circuit style known as the classical labyrinth.

Pliny's Natural History mentions four ancient labyrinths: the Cretan labyrinth, an "Egyptian labyrinth", a "Lemnian labyrinth" and an "Italian labyrinth".
to be continued..
the movies for the weekend
some old ones
1.The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover
2.Kin Dza Dza and
3.Abrazos rotos by Almodovar
1.The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover
2.Kin Dza Dza and
3.Abrazos rotos by Almodovar
Friday, May 6, 2011

II. Non-Christian Designs
The Ankh - also known as key of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansatah is rooted deep in Egyptian culture. Picture the Latin cross, but bend the top portion around into a loop, and you have the Key of Life as the Ankh was called by the ancient Egyptians. They believed the key was used by the Gods of the underworld to awaken those who had crossed the river of death, and usher them into the afterlife. The Ankh also has been used as a sign for infinity and fertility. It is interesting to note that the Ankh was closely related to Horus in Egyptian mythology; his tale of death and rebirth clearly parallels the story of Christ's death and resurrection.
Ankh was adopted as a symbol of modern religion called Kemetism, which is reconstructing the ancient Egyptian religion at the present.
A stylized ankh is also the symbol of the gothic metal band Theatres des Vampires.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Star Anise
II. Non-Christian Designs
1. The Gothic Cross

This gothic design emulates the German style of heavily ornate pieces fashioned from wrought iron. As a symbol of the Gothic lifestyle, Gothic crosses also symbolize all that is dark and merry. Poet Edgar Allan Poe is largely credited with inspiring the Gothic lifestyle with his tales of horror and suspense. Later, author Anne Rice made being one of the undead chic with her tales of the Vampire Lestat and Goths around the world found a whole new source of inspiration.Crosses wrapped in barbed wire are common, as are crosses that are actually daggers, often with a single drop of crimson at the tip.
1. The Gothic Cross

This gothic design emulates the German style of heavily ornate pieces fashioned from wrought iron. As a symbol of the Gothic lifestyle, Gothic crosses also symbolize all that is dark and merry. Poet Edgar Allan Poe is largely credited with inspiring the Gothic lifestyle with his tales of horror and suspense. Later, author Anne Rice made being one of the undead chic with her tales of the Vampire Lestat and Goths around the world found a whole new source of inspiration.Crosses wrapped in barbed wire are common, as are crosses that are actually daggers, often with a single drop of crimson at the tip.
Do fish sleep?
Yes, fish sleep. But they don't close their eyes, they don't snore, and they don't sleal their partner's blanket. If they dream, we don't know what they dream about. Fish sleep differs from human sleep; they simply reduce their activity and metabolism, although many keep moving to maintain the flow of oxygenated water through the gills, allowing them to breathe.
Because their eyes are always surrounded by water, they don't need to moisten them as we do when we blink, so most fish have no eyelids.
Because their eyes are always surrounded by water, they don't need to moisten them as we do when we blink, so most fish have no eyelids.
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