Monday, February 28, 2011

Bill Hale

Bill Hale started photographing Rock and Roll Bands in 1979 at the age of 18.
In the 1980's, Bill was the Chief Photographer for Metal Rendezvous Int. Heavy Rock - Metal Magazine.

While on staff he was able to shoot many of the top bands of the day including Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Riot and UFO. Bill was fortunate enough to photograph many legends on their last tours of the states, Phil Lynott (Thin Lizzy), Bon Scott (AC/DC), Freddie Mercury (Queen) and Rory Gallagher just to name a few.

"MRV" gave 1st press to some of the biggest metal and Hard rock bands of the day. Anthrax, W.A.S.P., L.A. Guns and Armored Saint, the list goes on... Bill worked exclusively with MRV, yet, his work appeared in such Metal Magazines like Kerrang (UK), Enfer (France) and Metal Mania (San Francisco).

Bill now lives in Hawaii and still works with Rock and Rollers. His client list contains some of the state's most loved and legendary stars C&K, up and coming Guitar virtuoso Makana and the Hawaiian Super Star Henry Kapono.

Metallica: Fade to Black Expo

Proud Galleries - London.

Guess who is this.

I think a need a vacation.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Happy Birthday to YOU !!!

I wish I could say the same.

Fucking Berlin

Fucking Берлин е " абсолютен бестселър в Германия за 2008г., като само за 3 месеца тиражите на книгата надминаха 200 000 бройки."

Тази статистика говори много за средния немски читател, за неговите вкусове и вълнения.

Берлин, Цюрих, Амстердам, Стокхолм, София. Всички те си приличат по една основна характеристика- населени са с хора, чийто нужди са подобни. Разликата  е, че в София е много по - евтино, често дори безплатно.

Книгата е подходящо четиво за всички, които смятат, че биха могли да припечелят от подобен бизнес, за тези, които имат нужда да разнообразят вечерите на литературно четене с нещо по - пикантно, както и за тези, които вярват в голямата любов, гласуват пълно доверие на партньорите си и смятат, че бракът ще им разреши всички проблеми.

I like the idea.

No prison in the world is airtight.You just need the key.

A quote from the movie " The next three days"

Няма затвор на света, който да е непревземаем. Просто ти е нужен ключът.

Цитат от филма "Следващите три дни."

I would cook for you.

I love lazy Sundays...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dead Can Dance.The Crow

Great movie and song..and it's a day to remember.

I care about the Nature.

Timescapes Timelapse: Mountain Light from Tom Lowe @ Timescapes on Vimeo.




Richard Ashcroft

John Parish

for more information:

Friday, February 25, 2011


I want to hear her new album ‘Englishness’, where she comes with a bold, new political agenda.

Movies for the weekend.

1.Das weisse band.


3.Un prophete

4.The Fighter

5.The next three days.

I think yellow is a nice colour.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

PJ Harvey - Good Fortune

Talking about
Time travel
And the meaning
And just what it was worth

And I feel like some bird of paradise
My bad fortune slipping away
And I feel the innocence of a child
Everybody's got something good to say

So I take my
Good fortune
And I fantasize
Of our leaving
Like some modern-day
Gypsy landslide

Like some modern-day
Bonnie and Clyde
On the run again

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chris Rainier

Chris Rainier "Ancient Marks"

Yakudza tattoo -Tokyo/Japan/

Yakudza mistress

"Tattooed Lovers'

Panama cunaislands


Pogostemon cablin

Acne,chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, fatigue, frigidity, hair care, insect repellant, mature skin, oily skin, stress.

Етеричното масло има много силен аромат и се добива от храст , който расте в Индия. Използва се предимно в препарати срещу молци и други насекоми или като дезифенктант на кожата.

При силно раздразнена кожа и екземи, подобрява структурата на силно изсушената кожа, възбужда сексуалната енергия.

При суха кожа

3 к-ки масло от Пачули
4 k-ки Кедрово масло
4 к-ки масло от лайка се смесват в 20мл масло от жожоба.
Кожата се масажира

За подобряване структурата на кожата

3 к-ки масло от Пачули
4 к-ки масло от тамян
3 к-ки масло от сандалово дърво се смесват в 20 мл масло носител.
Правят се масажи вечер.

За еротичен масаж

3 к-ки масло от Пачули
2 к-ки Розово масло
5 к-ки масло от портокал се смесват в 20 мл масло носител.

I Yam What I Yam

James Hetfield.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dream catcher.

In Ojibwe (Chippewa) culture, a dreamcatcher (Ojibwe asabikeshiinh, the inanimate form of the word for "spider" or bawaajige nagwaagan meaning "dream snare") is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web. The dreamcatcher is then decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.While dream catchers originated in the Ojibwa Nation. During the pan-Indian movement in the 60's and 70's, Ojibway dreamcatchers started to get popular in other Native American tribes, even those in disparate places like the Cherokee, Lakota, and Navajo. .So dreamcatchers aren't traditional in most Indian cultures, per se, but they're sort of neo-traditional, like frybread. Some consider the dream catcher a symbol of unity among the various Indian Nations, and a general symbol of identification with Native American or First Nations cultures. However, other Native Americans have come to see dream catchers as over-commercialized. Some Indians think dream-catchers are a sweet and loving little tradition, others consider them a symbol of native unity, and still others think of them as sort of the Indian equivalent of a tacky plastic Jesus hanging in your truck.
Non-Indians have also used the dreamcatcher for their own purposes, sometimes New Age in nature.

Traditionally, the Ojibwa construct dreamcatchers by tying sinew strands in a web around a small round or tear-shaped frame of willow (in a way roughly similar to their method for making snowshoe webbing). The resulting "dream-catcher", hung above the bed, is used as a charm to protect sleeping children from nightmares. As dreamcatchers are made of willow and sinew, they are not meant to last forever but are intended to dry out and collapse as the child enters the age of wonderment.

The Ojibwa believe that a dreamcatcher changes a person's dreams. According to Konrad J. Kaweczynski, "Only good dreams would be allowed to filter through . . . Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day." Good dreams would pass through and slide down the feathers to the sleeper.

Another version from the same article was, "Luscious dreams pass through the center hole to the sleeping person. The bad dreams are trapped in the web, where they perish in the light of dawn."/wikipedia/

for further information you can check this site HERE



skyscrapers in Chicago

Нито за миг не се почувствах малка и незначителна сред тези огромни небостъргачи, забили носове толкова високо и далече в небето, че се чудиш и дивиш как са ги построили и издигнали. Предполагам ярко синьото небе, което ги обгръщаше като нежна ръкавица засили чувството на свобода, на желание за полет, за извисяване. Тази снимка е прекрасен спомен и крие много позитивно чувство за мен.

An Art -cafe - Galena, USA

Friday, February 18, 2011

8mm - quotes from the movie

Dance with the devil and the devil dont change, the devil changes you.


“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell”

Oscar Wilde

I think wolves are amazing animals



Just a hint for the genius of this man...

Brassai (Gyula Halasz)
Prostitute at angle of
Rue de la Reynie and Rue Quincampoix
From "Paris by Night"

Conchita avec les marins (1920-1930)


Thursday, February 17, 2011

We are tempted.

It smells of spring...

Japanese style.

I've red that in the past few years there has been a real rise in the popularity of Japanese tattoos.Hmmm, I've never liked the word trendy and that makes me think...

We explore.