Thursday, November 20, 2014

Flying eagle point of view #4 by Sony Action Cam Mini (A flight over Paris)


Without giving too much away, here’s a short animation by Andreas Hykade that shows in a very simplistic way what drug addiction is sorta like. The more the bird-like creature chases the high, the less he’s able to fly and the fall to earth gets...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Филип Бояджиев

             Eдна статия на SOFIA LIVE и Елина Алексиева за един млад човек, Филип Бояджиев, чиито възгледи споделям и аз. Дано хората в България, активни и позитивни като него, се множат. Само енергията на такива личности може да доведе до градивна промяна, интелигентна среда и продуктивен живот - защото ако не оставим нещо хубаво след себе си, ще сме живели малко безсмислено или греша?

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Нови открития във Велики Болгар

Древний Болгар

Germany: Berlin Wall rebuilt in lights 25 years after its fall

25 year anniversary berlin wall


François Ozon

François Ozon is a French film director and screenwriter whose films are usually characterized by sharp satirical wit and a freewheeling view on human sexuality.
He has achieved international acclaim for his films 8 femmes (2002) and Swimming Pool (2003). Ozon is considered to be one of the most important French film directors in the new “New Wave” in French cinema such as Jean-Paul Civeyrac, Philippe Ramos, and Yves Caumon, as well as a group of French filmmakers associated with a "cinema du corps/cinema of the body".

2012 : In the House

2000 : Under the Sand (Sous le sable)

Списание Космос онлайн!

За любознателните -  Списание Космос онлайн - пълен архив 1962 - 1994

Dimitar Lukanov

Dimitar Lukanov (Bulgarian: Димитър Луканов ) is internationally renowned Bulgarian-American artist.
Salto de Agua
2001, steel, 15 feet
Isla Mujeres Sculpture park, Mexico

Silent Wave
2007, bronze, lost-wax, Shanghai, China
Waterfall of the Sun
2003, bronze, lost-wax

For further informaion HERE