Friday, January 17, 2014

Oak symbolism

The oak is considered a cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied within its towering strength.

 Ancient Celts observed the oak's massive growth and impressive expanse. They took this as a clear sign that the oak was to be honored for its endurance, and noble presence.

 In the Classical world it was regarded as the Tree of Life as its deep roots penetrate as deep into the Underworld as its branches soar to the sky, and it was held sacred to Zeus and Jupiter. In Scandinavia the oak was the tree of the Thunder-God, Thor, as it was to his Finnish counterpart, Jumala.

 There are accounts that trace the name "druid" to duir, the Celtic term for the oak. More interestingly, the actual translation of duir is "door" and lore indicates the spiritually advanced Celts would access the ethereal planes of higher thought (psychic vision or soul-thought) by "opening the oak door."
 The Celtic meaning of the oak tree deals with symbolic themes of durability, purity and constancy.

 Further merit to its regal presence is its tendency to attract lightning. This was considered hugely powerful among the ancients and is associated with one of their foremost gods, Dagda. Its attraction for lightning, its size and longevity (oaks are known to easily surpass 200 years of age) all make the oak a powerful, life-affirming symbol.

 The oak is a living legend representing all that is true, wholesome, stable, and noble. When you are in need of stability and strength in your life - envision the oak in your minds eye. Picture yourself drawing into its endless energy waves. Soon, you will find yourself sharing in its power.


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